Tuesday, July 31

I am out of titles

The mother is gone. The brother is gone. The boy will soon be gone.

Don’t feel bad for me, because I have plans, big big plans to fill my time. And they are kick-ass plans, mind you!

Mom was here for two weeks and it was quite a ride. There were days when I loved having them here, and days when I stayed at office till late just so that I could have some quiet time and hear myself thing. As expected, there was the nagging – I eat unhealthy food, I am too fat and none of my clothes look nice on me, I should sleep earlier, I should not stay on the comp 24/7, I should wake up 10 mins early and do yoga, I should think seriously about my relationships and bring to her in 1 year, a boy who’d wanna tie the knot in 2-3 years time. So for 2 weeks I slept early, ate healthy and assured her that I know about the boy tree and when the time is right, I’ll go and pluck a ripe one and bring to her. She was amused, but reiterated herself, hoping I’d get the point. I laughed and repeated myself, hoping to do the same. I don’t know why we must discuss things that won’t happen for another 3-4 years at least. The MBA was mentioned on average once a day.

But it wasn’t all bad! It was great having her over…someone to open the door when you have had a long day at work and ask how your day was. Hot breakfast and a forced glass of milk, hot dinner, lots of catching up. She helped me manage the things in the house I hadn’t had a chance to and made it look much like home. She also cooked a superb lunch for 20 of my friends with the limited pots and pans in the house and didn’t complain for a second! Lots of shopping, lots of eating out, lots of spoiling the little brother.

I’m not a horrible horrible person who hates her family! I love them to bits! Just that I do crave my quiet time sometimes and it drives me up the wall when I cant have that for a whole two weeks. I am however, proud that I did not have a single argument with her. Technically. Okay, so the MBA and marriage talk doesn’t count.

2 weeks I lived every free hour for them
1.5 weeks now I’ll live the free hours for/with the boy.

After nearly a month of borrowed time, I’ll have some of my own.

Things to look forward to:

- Rakhi at home this year, in a month’s time!
- Training for the 10K run in October
- Training to improve time for the 10K run in Dec
- Trip to London in December! (yes, most probably the Australia trip would be changed to London trip. Reason: cuz Australia would be too hot, and might as well stay in Singapore instead of shelling out the cash for that weather. Yes, believe me, that’s the only reason! )
- Salsa (it’s about time!)
- CIMA (it’s about time too!!)

In order to curb my thinking right here, (before I enter the “you think too much” territory) I shall go and read Half of a Yellow Sun, which FYI, is an excellent book. You must all read it! Go now, go go!


Anonymous said...

Oz plan changed to London. Something tells me it has to do with the boy

sherene said...

loved the lunch ur mom cooked for us :) yum yum.. wish i cd've stayed longer that day..had a great time catching up with everyone.. missing everyone already..

iz said...

You're being a lot more positive than I ma. By now I would have suicided in a pool of chocolated.

TS said...

Ha ha, my Mom's been trying to get me to do Pranayam for 3 years now!