Thursday, August 10

When I grow up...

Its Rakshabandhan today, and I’m terribly homesick. I am becoming more and more homesick these past few days, which is very unlike me. I guess it has something to do with the little bro going to college. Its sinking in slowly that he’s going far far away, and I’m getting busier by the day, and it’ll be hard for the family to be together as often. Sigh. Now I know what mom means when she looks at me, almost astonished, and says when did you grow up? Mom, when did he grow up?

I wish I’d been home today; I’d have liked to tie him a rakhi and extort lots of money in return! Sigh! Growing up’s a bitch sometimes.

The only consolation at the moment is that I get to fly home one of these weekends to see him before he’s off! When I left home, the room was redone, furniture was shuffled and shelves and closets were moved, and he took it over. Now when he leaves, what happens? Mom wonders what she’s gonna do in an empty house. It’s not like he is always around when he’s living there. Guys in their teens, you know how they are. But still, atleast he was there, behind that door, somewhere beyond that noise called music. She wonders, I try not to think.

In other news, work’s keeping me so busy that I have to check what’s happening on the Friday and the following Monday before I can book my tickets home. But I’m not complaining – its been exciting and rewarding so far! Besides, it gives direction and takes up so much time, that I don’t end up getting entangled in other issues! Perhaps not the best approach at resolving issues, but at least it works – for me atleast!


Shishir said...

I dont know sumhow ur posts are always cold nd touching...atleast to me...perhaps mayb because i can relate to most of them.......

Aesa said...

my sister left for university too.. this july. so i get exactly what u're sayin!
time flies.
it was like yesterday that i was leavin school and home :(

iksha said...

I fail to understand how a post about my little bro leaving for college is cold! :)

You bet it does. I'm still not used to having graduated and working! They're going to college! I'm getting so old! hehe *vain laughter*

Palash said...

u work for reuters?

Shishir said...

iksha, i know its a subtle use here of the word 'cold' in the psychological sense, and not physical...besides that was a general remark (if am allowed to make one) about your posts and not very specific to this one....but its pertinent here (forgive me..) because most of your posts (to me) bring back a sense of unrelenting uneasy and nostalgic memoirs of past or tend to leave the reader (me) thinking/feeling about the subject in deep....and not to say that your writing style is truly in contrast to the most of bloggers who only aim to popularize themselves with hot news and flavored groovy posts...i guess thts where the 'cold' fits in the context of ur posts....