Thursday, February 16

Waiting for indifference

Sometimes, I don’t know what’s more unnerving:

  • living in denial
  • living in denial and being aware of it, but not doing anything about it, or
  • trying to accept the truth instead of living in denial

Cuz usually, we’re far too smart, to be fooled by our own denial for too long. And far too scared to get out of the comfortable blanket!

So we carry on running n keep up with our *oh - so - busy* lives. If you keep ignoring it, maybe it'll go away! Maybe you'll turn indifferent eventually. Till then, just keep a distance.

But once in a while, you’re bound to walk into a mirror, look up, n *oh dear god* see yourself!

And, once in a while, something small, something unexpected, would knock the wind out of you.

You’ll gasp for air, and eventually, catch your breath. Within seconds, or maybe longer.

And you'll be back to maintaining that safe distance. Ah! the comforts of denial.

The fact remains, however, that you got a glimpse of something, and you didn't like it.

You turn away and try to keep pace with the *oh – so – busy* life yet again.

Till the next close encounter, you’re safe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stumbled on your post ... "living in denial, knowing about it and doing nothing about it" ... it is the worst ...

If the encounters keep happening often, it can take its toll on you...