Tuesday, November 15

les rêves de sable

les rêves = dreams

sable = sand

so "dreams of sand"...?
why? , you ask...

could it be because your dreams sparkle...? just like white sand glistens in the sun...

could it be the uneasy feeling you woke up with this morning...as u tried to recall what you'd dreamt about, but felt it slip out of your fingers...till you were left empty - handed...

n yet, could it be because they linger...they dont brush off, and you carry some of them with you,
just like the sand that you thought you'd brushed off your clothes, but that remained in the seams of your clothes, after a walk at the edge of the sea...

or could it be because they are your dreams...the wall of sand bags you've put around yourself, to keep the flood of reality from getting to you...

perhaps, its because you only dream comfortably, peacefully, and beautifully when you're lying down on the beach...as you fall asleep watching the stars...

or maybe, its because you dreamt beautifully...you dreamt high...just like the sand castles you built by the ocean...n that got washed away with a single tide...

n because you used to watch them get washed away...those countless castles...

n started digging for another one a few steps away...knowing its fate before you even began...

n because you aren't sure where to start this time...if at all...


sherene said...

dreams of sand...because they are so ubiquitious and innumerable, like grains of sand


Anonymous said...

Wow! ... really interesting and thought provoking ...
Dreams of Sand... maybe because everytime the tide washes away your castle... it leaves behind fresh wet sand to build again... afresh.
Alot like death and rebirth... you can't have one without the other.

chatur said...
