Tuesday, November 1

black black world...

Went for a diwali celebration...awesome time....friends, good food, music, tambola, bumming around, sparklers & smiling faces, beaming against the backdrop of the dark sky...beautiful. rekindled the dying festive spirit in some...including me.

Walked back, with a smile on my face =) Found some candles, lit one outside my room, on the window sill. Remembered how much I've always loved candles...

Read some blogs, wrote some emails...checked feeds, and came cross this article.

Wondered how 'happy' this diwali really is for some...

Deeply disturbed.

Even death isn't the end for some...

'Nikhil' means complete, whole...

'Utkarsh' means prosperity, awakening...

How ironic...

It started raining....the wind jus put out the candle on my window sill.

How ironic...

Irony is a sadist. Whore.

Utkarsh, Nikhil, and others...may your souls rest in peace.


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