Thursday, May 3

Granola makes me grouchy...

The good news: boss’s boss is NOT coming to town, and therefore I don’t have to work my ass off to produce a whizbang presentation by next week; the cute, curly haired, colored eyed Spanish boy is indeed joining our team, and we’re be taking him out for a fancy dinner next week!

The bad news: there is sooooooo much work to be done! And I haven’t worked out in almost 2 weeks; I could barely jog on Tuesday and today at the gym, I just gave up. Gym felt like slow, painful death – so 40 mins into the work out, I just stopped the treadmill and walked off! So now I feel fat, AND lazy! Bummer!

Other, not so important news : last week I felt like a clerk at work. I also found out that some freakin’ investment banks are paying their summer interns a full employee pay, WHICH IS MUCH MORE THAN MINE! Some twerp will walk off with a huge pay check, and no taxes, no provident fund, nothing! I am right to feel underpaid and over worked! UNFAIR!

I think I have to stop eating those darned “healthy” granola bars for breakfast! Health food as first meal of the day makes me cranky!

I am completing my 1 year in the company in about 2 weeks time ~ I no longer have the “new-hire” tag to protect me, so now I can just hope that the “innocent” look works, every time I stuff something up! This also means that now I can bully the newbies and act like I own the place!

One year out of the university and into the work – force…where was I when time was flying by??

1 comment:

iz said...

Sigh. Growing up is so painful na? When adults used to tell us that those were the best years of our lives, they weren't kidding!