Tuesday, March 13

It's all Pappy's Fault!

So, I made an SMS boo boo this morning as I hit the wrong name on my list and there went my sms - to the wrong person. I thought I'd die of embarressment at first, but now I find it funny. Oh, and I'm denying it ever happening. I didn't do it - hah! Pappy did. The fact that Pappy couldn't have used my phone at 940 am simply because he's on the other side of the city, is absolutely irrelevant. I didnt do it - He did! (I should tell Pappy about what he's allegedly done!) *winks*

In other news, I'm going on a road trip soon! Probably to Genting or somewhere - destination doesnt matter, the company does. And I'm going with a kick-ass group of people! I can't wait for the Good Friday weekend!

Sandy's coming back from New Zealand, finally. It's about time - people shouldn't be gone long, it annoys me. Then I miss then, and then I get angry at them cuz they're gone and missing them makes me sappy. So, when I do speak to them, I spend half the time yelling at them, for being gone! Yes, even I don't see the logic, so don't try! I just hate people who go away.

Stupid Sandy is coming for a few days, before he goes off to his glam job in London. What the @#$%^&?!?!?! Like I said, I get annoyed when people go away. This also means that the members of the club that calls me "Princess" is depleting fast! (Yes, I am that bratty!)

Nothing else is new! It's a Tuesday like any other.


iz said...

Have fun on your raod trip. Where too anyway?

Aesa said...

LOL i can think of a hundred times I have made disastrous SMS boo's!! sigh. horrific ones, with msgs that really shudnt have been sent to my dad !!!!

enjoy the road trippin :P u're living the good life :) :)

TS said...


TS said...

Aren't you back yet?

TS said...

Errr... road trip? To echo Iz.

TS said...

Achha like that. I was wondering why no post.

diyadear said...

hi iksha,
i too have a friendwho calles me princess. hope he doesnt ever get depleted lol..

TS said...

Achha, I can't play comment to comment. Too much effort.

Look me up on Orkut (if you know what that is).