Monday, August 29


I'd been thinking of starting my blog for a long time, but never got around to actually doing it. Things have been so darn busy in the last 4 months that during the little time i did get on the internet, I ended up reading other blogs rather than starting one of my own.

and man, does it open your eyes to a whole new world. * apologizes for the cliche, its late night, n creativity is at its lowest*

there are such witty and well - written blogs that it almost gives one an inferiority complex! perhaps that's why I never did around to writing my own. But eventually I figured, oh what the hell! its not like I'm writing for people to read, I'm writing because putting my day, my thoughts, and ramblings down in words always seems to give me a sense of peace... a closure to the day.

I've been a lazy bum all day, sleeping well into the afternoon and not doing any work! I had to force myself to do laundry n get it out of the way before the week begins! That was probably the only accomplishment of the day! The rest of the day was spent chilling with friends and eating! a LOT! After 3 gruelling weeks of doing design project, an extensive assessment that's worth a whole semester of work, but has to be completed in 3 weeks, I just could not get myself to work on anything! Absolutely anything at all. Wanted a lazy sunday where I could exist peacefully without having to rush from one place to another.

Oh, I did get one more thing done! I made my : * Things - To - Do* list! which in itself, is a great achievement. Now I'll get cracking on it..from...ummmm....Wednesday! That's because tomorrow is the final lap, the presentation for the project. After which I will give myself one extra day, to just chill, n then get back to things.

Can't wait for it to be over tomorrow! As much as I whined and complained about this project, I actually enjoyed it. I had an awesome group and made a lot of new friends in my cohort in these past few days. Its funny cuz I've been in the same classes as them for over 2 years now! Yet, I am getting to know them now!!

It was a refreshing and welcome change in life. N many more are to come!

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